Apr 14, 1934 - Nov 25, 2017
Joan Milligan, nee Calbick, 83, passed away on Saturday, November 25 in Calgary.
She was predeceased by the two loves of her life. Jim in 1978 after 22 years together and Matt in 2007 after 22 years together.
Joan, the oldest of 4 sisters was born in Nelson on April 14, 1934 and at age 8 moved to Grand Forks. Joan married Jim and had 3 children: Paul, Sheila and Patrick. She had 3 grandchildren Aaron (Gen), Matthew and Kim.
She will be missed by her 2 remaining sisters, Lois and Dena (Alma passed away in 2016); by her brother in-law, Doug; and by numerous nieces and nephews.
Joan worked for the Bank of Commerce in Greenwood throughout the 60s and 70s. During that time she served as a School Board Trustee and treasurer of the Labour Day Committee. She transferred to Calgary with the bank in 1981 and took early retirement in 1989. She enjoyed traveling throughout her life. She and Matt traveled together for many years during retirement.
Joan kept her mind sharp reading the Calgary Herald everyday for decades, solving Suduko puzzles and other puzzles. She enjoyed her independence right up to the end. One doctor said she was "tough as nails".
The family will be holding a celebration of life on December 2 for family and close friends.
Her ashes will be buried in Greenwood between Jim and Matt.