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Introducing Morgan Harpur

In conversation with members of the BCSS Class of 2013.
Morgan Harpur

When asked if he is looking forward to having graduation behind him Morgan Harpur didn’t hesitate in his reply, “Very much!”

Morgan has been working in the Midway Public Library this year and librarian Stephanie Boltz said he is one of the quickest studies she’s ever worked with in the library. She argues that if she shows him something once, “that’s all it takes and he’s good to go.”

Morgan is a big, quiet guy. He says that he has matured in his four years at BCSS.

His plan for the summer is to apply for summer employment at the library, if that doesn’t work out to find a job somewhere else.

His ideal job would be something to do with animals. Coming in second would be a job turning wrenches.

Skills he can offer, beyond learning fast and retaining well, are that he’s good with his hands, is mechanically inclined and, certainly not least, he is great with animals.

“I enjoyed the shop classes most – mechanics, wood, metal working - anything that is hands on,” he says of his time at BCSS. His most enjoyable project was a small hope chest that he built last year and gave to his grandparents.

He’s confident in his abilities in the shop. “I generally work on smaller engines and cars,” he says. “Lawn mowers, cars, dirt bikes - I can do it all.” Every so often a motorbike or snowmobile that Morgan and his dad have restored will appear on the Harpur front lawn with a For Sale sign.

Another venture that Morgan has going is the Christmas tree lot that he runs off his back deck each December. “I started it about four years ago, my grandpa had been selling them off the ranch for the longest time and he has had lots of customers from Midway. When he asked if I was willing to sell them locally I said yes just to make it easier for people down here. It’s just taken off since. We get people from Midway, Greenwood, a few from Rock Creek come over even.”

Morgan says he enjoys the outdoors. “I love being outside in the middle of nowhere. As long as I can find my way back it’s all good.”

Morgan lived on a ranch until he was six when the family moved to Midway. “I loved the ranch, I still do – I go up there as much as I can and help.”

Morgan is on the high school softball team where he prefers to play third base. When asked if he enjoyed other sports he replied that he liked golf – but he did it in a way that sounded like – “obviously, doesn’t everyone?”

“I go two nights a week at least,” he explained.  Morgan gives to his community too, serving as a member of the Midway Volunteer Fire department.

“I would like to be in Kamloops with a job in five years,” says Morgan. “Hopefully a vet tech. I have been attracted to Kamloops since I was younger. I’ve always said I wanted to live there eventually.”