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Art show delights with beauty born in the Boundary

The annual art show put on in the art club room under the Greenwood Community Hall is always a special treat.
Members of the Grand River Rubies Red Hatters group met up with Greenwood’s Frolicking Fancies for lunch in Greenwood and then they toured the Kettle River Art Club’s annual show in McArthur Centre last Monday afternoon. Here they look over a collection of hats displayed by Frolicking Fancy Vice-Queen Shirley Mui.

Art and crafts from 25 artists were on display at the the annual Kettle River Art Show Sunday and Monday in their room at the McArthur Centre building in Greenwood.

The club has been going since 1976 and each spring for more than a quarter of a century they have put on a spring show.

Admission was by donation and all exhibitors were welcome, including the annual display of work by the students at Greenwood Elementary School.

In the summer of 1968 Vancouver Island artist Robert Wood was invited to Greenwood to give a weeklong seminar in oil painting. The classes were well attended. Wood liked Greenwood and returned here to live in the fall. He and Peter Smith helped to organize the Kettle River Art Club. Charter members included people from Beaverdell, Westbridge, Rock Creek, Midway, Greenwood and Grand Forks.

The Frolicking Fancies and the Grand River Rubies—Red Hat Ladies from Greenwood and Grand Forks respectively—came to the art show on Monday afternoon.

Red Hat Ladies are ladies 50 and over who meet once a month with one purpose in mind: to have fun together. They are named after their head gear, red hats over top a purple outfit. They have monthly outings and this month’s gathering included lunch at the Greenwood City Foods deli, followed by a visit to the art show.

With the annual art show behind it now the club will go into summer hibernation until October.