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Medimap draws award from B.C. doctors

Medimap draws award from B.C. doctors

Excellence in Health Promotion Award from Doctors of BC goes to Medimap
Video: B.C. canines crowned for saving owner’s life

Video: B.C. canines crowned for saving owner’s life

One-year-later Matthew Smith is still recovering, in Campbell River
Updated: Cars lined up around the block as gas hits 109.9 in B.C. city

Updated: Cars lined up around the block as gas hits 109.9 in B.C. city

The gas wars continue in Vernon, B.C. with prices as low as $109.9 in North Okanagan
Young B.C. couple expecting first baby lose home in ‘suspicious’ fire

Young B.C. couple expecting first baby lose home in ‘suspicious’ fire

Armstrong community rallies around couple following fire, which RCMP have deemed suspicious
Fetal remains found in apartment parkade

Fetal remains found in apartment parkade

Vernon RCMP and coroner investigating
Animals hopping for Easter

Animals hopping for Easter

Goat capers atop giant rodent at B.C. farm
Spring snow melt uncovers dirty needles in B.C. city

Spring snow melt uncovers dirty needles in B.C. city

Vernon residents are upset with number of needles being found around town with spring melt
Flag person struck by car in Okanagan dies

Flag person struck by car in Okanagan dies

Female traffic control person succumbs to injuries from Lavington accident
B.C. flaggers rally after colleague struck in Okanagan

B.C. flaggers rally after colleague struck in Okanagan

Traffic Control Personnel respond to colleague being hit in Lavington
B.C. bulldog and emu make adorable best-friend pair

B.C. bulldog and emu make adorable best-friend pair

Check out how some Mission, B.C. pets have bonded, making for some amusing videos