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A LITTLE PERSPECTIVE - Bring a friend, double your odds

Some tips on living in bear country; and George Carlin was right - I have gotta get a plan about how to organize all this stuff.

When going into the woods you should always go with a friend, especially if you are in bear country.

Because if you are alone when you meet up with a bear and you try to run away—you will have to outrun the bear. But with a friend along all you have to do is outrun your friend.

So taking a companion will double the odds in your favour.


I cleaned the clutter out of my home office over the weekend. Since my desktop PC crashed and died back in January I’ve had one too many workstations anyway.

I am not sure what the Fung Sui effects will be here though. I used to face south when at my desk – now I face east. The view is no different though, a blank wall in front of me either way.

In order to accomplish the tidier office I had to put all that stuff someplace else.

Now the living room is cluttered. Talk about rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.

I seriously need to downsize. I’ve been getting out and about a bit more now and have discovered that some people actually live without stuff cluttering up their homes.

Part of my problem is yard sales—I often stop and I usually buy—but never do I host one of my own.

Maybe technology will come to our rescue though. If they ever they get around to perfecting the Star Trek type replicator then there won’t be a need to have stuff laying around in your way all the time. When you need something you just press a few buttons and have the machinery manufacture it for you.

Though one thing that I never saw on Star Trek was a garbage can. You have to wonder how they handled that. You’d think they if they kept on replicating stuff, eventually they’d run out of space on the spaceship.

Is technology the answer or is it the problem? After all, it’s bought us plastic and that has led to us all owning our very own same thing that the neighbour has.

This can get pretty bad! Have you ever watched that TV program Hoarders? There has to be some irony in seeing them break for a commercial from Wal-Mart encouraging you to “save money and live better.”

Or maybe the commercial will have the announcer offering you the, “But wait— There’s more!” line. “Order now and we’ll send you a second one absolutely free!”

If the product is of any quality at all why do you need two of them? I guess you are supposed to send the second one to your sister- in-law in Waterloo. One thing is for sure —hanging on to both of them is just setting you up for a space problem.


Another tip about bears.

A couple of tips actually.

First, you should always wear bear bells when you are walking in the woods. They make just enough noise to alert the bear that you are coming and it will give them a chance to take evasive action.

And second, you can always tell whether you are dealing with a grizzly or a black bear by looking at their scat.

A black bear’s scat will have partially digested nuts and berries in it. Whereas, the more ferocious grizzly scat will have partially digested nuts and berries and, occasionally, bear bells.