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Rural Director Candidate: Vicki Gee running in Area E

Regional District Kootenay Boundary (Area E): Gee, Vicki – Rural Director Candidate
Vicki Gee

My vision for our area is to look at issues from a regional basis, to cross the lines between our institutions, our businesses, our organizations and our borders. We have many small communities spread over a large area with diverse issues. There is no single answer to satisfy all of our needs. We need to collaborate, pool resources and focus on issues of common benefit.

My commitments: making myself available by phone, email and in person; supporting the initiatives of our many agricultural, business, service, recreation, school, church and community organizations; ensuring we live in a healthy and safe community by working with and supporting our medical, emergency services and citizenrun safety organizations; I’ll hold two public meetings each year in each community; I’ll work hard to connect people and ideas, sharing information and looking for funding opportunities; I’ll advocate at the regional, provincial and federal levels for changes where needed; I’ll encourage public participation in regional district issues.

Projects/goals: food security, sustainable economic development that is community friendly, affordable housing, poverty reduction, access to health services, attracting young families.

I have the skills to fill this role: I’ve been a self-employed businessperson for over 25 years. I’ve been a school trustee for six years. I’m a director and active volunteer in three non-profits that touch most of our communities. I’m good at managing large amounts of complex information. I’m a good communicator. I’ll connect with people and organizations both in and outside our area. The role of regional director will be one that I treat as a full-time job. I have thick skin, I stand up to challenges, and I don’t give up.

What I need from our communities: guide me, support me, form me into the regional director we need.