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Health & Happiness – Stress - Is What You’re Eating, Eating You?

Submitted by Sid Kettner, MD

Stress: It’s a part of life. A recent survey shows that two-thirds of Americans are “stressed out” at leas once per week. Stress and depression may have a greater impact on health-care costs than physical factors such as obesity, smoking and high blood pressure. And most of us seem powerless to alter the self-destructive course we are on when that stress wreaks havoc on virtually every system of our body.

When floundering in a sea of chronic stress, we often choose not to listen to our body’s signals to slow down. So when tension, lack of energy or irritability strike, we turn to frequent daily doses of candy, coffee, colas, pastries or donuts. But those quick “pick me ups” really let us down when it comes to any sustained energy, clear thinking or the mental and physical stamina we need to cope with prolonged pressure.

There are much better ways to cope and the better nourished we are, the better we will be equipped to do so. This is the ideal time to make the best food choices, not the worst. So take time to make healthful food choices, especially when under stress. No junk food, fast food, alcohol, caffeine or nicotine. Instead of grabbing coffee and a donut on the way to a high-pressure appointment, take a few minutes to enjoy a whole-grain bagel, fresh fruit and some almonds. Instead of wolfing down a burger and greasy fries for lunch, relish a garden salad, a black bean burrito and fresh avocado slices. Yummy! For dinner, savor a bowl of steamy vegetable soup with whole-grain crackers and hummus, instead of a “cholesterol bomb” pizza chased down by an antacid.

Consistent healthful choices that boost overall nutritional status will protect us during times of stress and give our body the boost it needs to meet unexpected mental and physical challenges. So enjoy the best!